Review – Her Latent Charm

A decorative header banner. The background features a circle of books forming a circle, They are the colors of the rainbow. On black text in the foreground is "Book Review".

Hello and welcome to Infinite Pages. As usual, this is Jesse and I’m so glad you came by, whether it’s your first time or you’ve been here all along. I’m happy to report that all has been well here the past week we haven’t been together. We’ve been packing for a move, but overall, it’s been a good week. In the comments, tell me – What the farthest you’ve ever gone during a move? Today we’re going to take a look at a book in the fantasy genre – one that features a little magic, a little adventure and a lot of danger.

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Pages: 442
Publication date: June 1, 2023
Publisher: Self-Published

The nation of Trylia believes that the gift, a force that can alter the world through the intent of the person who wields it, is a myth. The stuff of children’s tales, brought to life only in the imagination. For Lila, separated from a life she was too young to remember, it’s a confusing power that has set her apart from the family she found. And she is only just beginning to understand it when her home and family are destroyed, and she is captured.

To escape, she unleashes the gift in a destructive wave that also forces a man she doesn’t trust to keep them alive. Bryn won’t survive unless Lila does, and they must flee the wrath of the captors still pursuing her. If they can’t find a way to work together, Lila won’t live long enough to learn more about the gift. As Lila finds her strength, the gift inside her grows. Unless she can control it, she may be a greater danger than the one at her heels.

A 3 star rating. The image is a black background with three purple stars. In the foreground is teal words "Not much good, not much bad - just average."

This book follows a young woman named Lila as she struggles to come to terms with her power, something called the Ambiance. As a young girl she was saved from slavers by her adopted father, the captain of a ship. She grows up among the crew, bonding with them and becoming family. However, it all goes awry one day when a slave ship catches up to them. Many of her family are wounded or dead and the ship is blown up. Lila is taken captive and told everyone is dead. A man who has full control of his Ambiance dulls her emotions to keep her captive, but in a panic one day while being tortured, Lila uses her Ambiance to link herself to one man, Bryn, and sinks the slave ship, causing the slavers to want to track her down at all costs. The rest of the book is her journey from there, and the work she has to go through to stay one step ahead.

As opposed to other stories, I felt that the love triangle present in this one was overall well done. There wasn’t much fighting over who was going to come out on top and be with the girl, no macho man flexing and no one really hurt each other. Generally love triangles involve two men who can’t take time from fighting each other to realize that the girl they’re fighting over just wants to be left in peace to make her choice and still be friends with the one she doesn’t pick. At least this book did understand that, and the boys were mature and were each willing to give up for the other if it made Lila happy.

A lot of the time I was wondering exactly what kind of time frame this was taking place in. While Lila is on board the boat it seems to keep track of time pretty well, and when it doesn’t, you don’t really notice because Lila wouldn’t know what time had passed. However, even afterwards it’s hard to tell. Things that take only a few moments take long pages while things that take days are glossed over in a few sentences. Did the trip from the boat to King’s Port take days, weeks, months, years? I really don’t have a clue.

I did enjoy getting to see Lila slowly learn to use her Ambiance and all of the different ways people can use those powers both for good and evil. I definitely couldn’t wait to learn more about what this power was, where it came from, and how it all worked. While I didn’t get all of my questions answered, this is only book one of a planned series, so hopefully those will come in time.

Decorative signature. A pink and blue feather design sits on a pale grey cursive J. On top in black font is the name Jesse

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